APRIL 12 1961
the Khrushchev and Brezhnev YEARS
As we all know a most famous quote,
"That's one small step for man,
a giant leap for mankind!"
These were Neil Armstrong's words when he took mankind's first step on the surface of the moon. So we would probably not think of the first man in space as significant an event as putting man on the moon. However, at the beginning of the space age, back in the early 1960s, it was a colossal leap in technology, faith and courage to put the first man in space, where the USA and the Soviet Union compete to be the first in this last frontier of science.
Nikita Khrushchev had solidified his position in the Communist Party with a speech which detailed the atrocities committed under Stalin's dictatorship. In 1964 Khrushchev had been impeached by the Communist Party's Central Committee. They had charged him with numerous errors including setbacks like the Cuban Missile Crisis. Leonid Brezhnev then took Khrushchev's place after he had a brief period of collective leadership.
Brezhnev had followed Stalinsim and the emphasis placed on industry. He had also attempted to ease the COLD WAR between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. Throughout the period of Cold War, rivalry between the two countries was expressed in many ways. These ways included industrial advancement and competitive technological development, which included the SPACE RACE.
This is a photograph of Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space. The Soviet Union had succeeded in beating America to put the first man in space. However, the Americans had done even better and put the first man on the surface of the moon, with Neil Armstrong taking a small step on the moon's surface but a giant leap for mankind.
After learning about the SPACE RACE and how the Soviet Union had beaten the Americans to send the first man into space, I wish that countries will continue with the ambitious space exploration programme. We should not only be cooped up in observatories like what the scientists do. Mankind should launch more space expeditions that will allow people to go into space to discover and see it for themselves. This beats having to read just from a book or view images from satellites on the Internet.
Even with all this excitement about the space race because of the development of technology, i do not see in any way how the technology development had helped the people of the Soviet Union. They should not have just focused on trying to beat America to outer space, but they should have tried to improve the lives of the people and relief them of the long years of hardship.
Another very important thing i learnt from this article is that, from competitions can come great achievements. This is just like how the cold war between the soviet union and America had resulted in people going out into space. Thus sometimes we may think competitions are bad but friendly competitions are all right so as to get the better out of the other.
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