This picture on the right show Mr. Stalin with this young girl named Gelya Markizova. She had said :" Thank You, for giving me a happy childhood. " Then, she was 6. Apparantly, this young girl's " happy childhood " included her dad and her mom dying. However, she remained safe ( that's what we know ) Her dad ( Ardan ) was killed for " spying for japan " and her mother ( Dominica ) was mysteriously killed. So, is Stalin still a " Friend of little children "?
She had NO happy childhood, after the age of 6, her life was rather empty and lonely, i mean, she had no parents.
Basically, Stalin sees himself as the "great leader and teacher of the Soviet people." He wishes the media to picture him as the true friend, comrade and successor of Lenin. If a few photos must be altered to accomplish this, so be it. During Stalin's "Great Purge" of enemies, untold millions succumb to famine or execution, an estimated of tens of millions died. Mass graves were discovered after his death. It was told that during his wide spree killings, he killed more people than people who died in wars! Add this to the number of people who ran away, how many able people had he chased away and killed ?
He is NOT a great leader at all, no. If he had to succumbed to those underhand methods to secure his throne, he is a total failure. Because he had used lies. Lies that people had believed because he was like a whole new light coming towards them during dark periods. But, that is only what i think. He represents hope to the people, change of better lives. All these are lies, he is a utter failure.
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