Title: Alyssa Tan!
Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Time: 3:49 AM

Leon Trotsky was born on October 26, 1879, son of a jewish farmer, in the southern part of Ukraine. The family thought that education was extremely important and sent Leon to live with his uncle in Odessa and go to school. Leon picked up good manners and an intellectual personality. Leon was an extremely smart student, and in 1896 he moved to NIcolayev to complete secondary school and to study mathematics. Here, Leon became well known and was instrumental in founding the South Russia Workers Union in 1897 and in 1898 the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). However, soon after this, is life went down hill as he was caught for his political activities and put in prison. He was then deported to siberia in 1900. In 1902 he escaped, and met Lenin in London.
Trotsky then joined Lenin on the staff of a Communist newspaper. Trotsky and Lenin, had much respect for each other, however, in 1903, the Bolsheviks were led by Lenin, while Trotsky was among the Menshevik leaders.
1905, Trotsky returned to Russia, where he participated actively in the first Russian Revolution, and in December that year he was elected President of the St Petersburg Soviet. However, Trotsky and several other members of the St. Petersburg Soviet were soon arrested, and after a trial they were deported to Western Siberia in January 1907.

After reading this, it pains me to see how Trotsky's life could have been if he had not participated in communism. He had a bright future ahead of him with a bright mind. However, he used his mind for other purposes instead. I am not saying that Trotsky made the wrong choice, but I believe that he could have done something more useful in his life. When he met Lenin, I feel that he might have been influenced in some way or another to join Lenin and support communism. He was a good leader and had great respect for others. I wonder, if he had a choice, what would he change in his life? WOuld he still go the same way, thinking that is life was worth living? Or would he have chosen a different path and would have maybe lived longer? I think that communism is a scary thing as it causes different reactions from different people which may result in internal conflicts. I do not really support communism as I feel a slight resentment towards it after reading such articles and how some people get drunken with power and do all sorts of crazy things.



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