Title: Hui Yin 3/5(:
Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Time: 6:27 AM

This picture depicts Stalin as a spider surrounding and covering the whole of the Earth.It gives me the impression that Stalin is over-ambitious, trying to take control of the whole Earth and trying to spread communism to the rest of the world.He's over-ambitious plans for Communist Russia can be seen in the plans for industralisation where he tried to made Russia be as advanced as the rest of Europe in 10-15 years though Russia is like estimated to be 50-100 years backwards?Why is Stalin so ambitious?Why is he depicted as a spider covering the Earth?Does it mean that Stalin wants to spread Communism to the rest of the world?If Stalin was not that ambitious about fufilling his goals for Communist Russia,probably more lives would have been saved and the people would not need to suffer that much.I feel that Stalin should not be that ambitious and should work within his means though his plans to help improve Russia are good, but he should also set realistic goals.He should convince the people to work whole-heartedly for him so that they would be loyal to him and be willing to work, instead of forcing them to work by using the secret police and sending them to concentration camps where many more lives were lost. If there wasn't this idea of concentration camps,probably many innocent people would not have died and those manpower could have helped in Stalin's plans, thus allowing Russia to advance faster.



Designer: Shennel
Other Resources: X X X X X X