This is the only photo released after Hitler's death, which claimed to be his dead body, but who was there to take this photo before his body was even burnt?
As the Third Reich collapsed in the spring of 1945, the Russians were the first to enter Berlin and capture Adolf HItler's bunker. Then, the Soviet Union made a series of contradictory statements or lies concerning Hitler's death. Stalin announced to Truman during lunch in Potsdam on July 17, that Hitler did not commit suicide but had probably escaped. After that, the Russians released photographs of what they claimed to be Hitler's corpse on a dingy floor. After 50 years, Russian officials said the photos of Hitler's corpse were part of authentic military film footage from the Moscow Central Archive. But the glasnost photos created more problems than they solved. The main question is: whose body is really in the pictures -Was it Adolf Hitler or his double? If it actually was Hitler, then the photos (or film footage) must have been taken by someone inside the bunker before Hitler's corpse was burned with gasoline in the Chancellery garden. It is assumed that Red Army soldiers took the photos just after they captured Berlin. There were many statements about HItler's death. Many claimed that he actually escaped and the corpse was his double. Many also claimed that he had committed a suicide.
however, till today, Hitler' death is still a mystery in modern history.
i personally think that Hitler should have been committed a suicide. As we all know that Hitler was a overweeningly ambitious person.He would rather die with dignity than dying in the criticize of his people. He definitely couldn't accept the truth that his country would be defeated. And i do not think he actually escaped, as he wanted to save face and wouldn't want his people to think that he is a coward. He also wanted his body to be burnt so that the Russian wouldn't display his dead body in front of its people to humiliate him after they captured him. there was another evidence stating that Hitler said," I want the world to remember me for 1000 years." He probably used an unexpected way to end his life which cause so many confusion among the people. I think this could provide the evidence of Hitler's determination to be one of the most significant person in the history and to be remembered till the modern history.
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