Stalin doted on his daughter Svetlana. The secret files reveal how he spoilt her and affectionately called her "my little sparrow", "my little fly" and "my little mistress". Abetted by the adulation of the Kremlin courtiers, young Svetlana began to boss around her all- powerful father and issue "Orders of the Day" for him.
This picture shows Stalin carrying her daughter, Svetlana, born to him through his second wife. The image it gives you is that Stalin loves his daughter deeply and enjoys her company. It also shows that despite appearing to be ruthless and cruel to many, he also had a loving side as well. He is looking lovingly at his daughter and even carries her like how a mother would carry her newborn (Staistics have shown that mothers normally carry their babies with them facing inwards and towards the mother. This is represents protection and nursing of babies. However, fathers woud normally carry their babies and have them facing outwards, and that represents that Fathers are the ones who would guide their children to face challenges in the world). This is definitely showing how Stalin may not be how others think he is. He may not be the stalin we think he is- unkind, selfish, greedy, heartless or simply cruel.
I personally feel that no man was born evil and that Stalin indeed had a good side to him. Even though Stalin had killed so many people and brought misery to people's life, we can't possiby just conclude that he is a devil. Stalin also still had a fatherly side to him, a loving side. Every man has a 'good' side and a 'bad' side of him. I feel that people hated Stalin because they simply focused on the obvious and outstanding side of him, which was definitely the bad one. However, if everyone were to look at Stalin's 'good side', like how he loved his family, how he was determined in changing Russia, how he had fought his way to help Russia to become who he wanted
her to be simply because he thought that was the best for Russia, then he may not seem to be a bad guy. He did manage to make the peasant's lives better. Even though he did drive his family to suicide, but no parents would hate their own children, you wouldn't hate your own too, and what makes you think Stalin hated his? Perhaps, his family just couldn't accept what he was doing, it was not like Stalin forced and told them to kill themselves. He didn't even kill them himeself! So that shows that he wanted his family to live, that he loved his own family. We shouldn't always focus on somebody's negative side, even though it may be prominent, it is only because we only tend to focus on how bad something is that the world has so much misery an suffering. But we shouldn't admit that Stalin killing people is right, that is definitely wrong. That is the bad side of him, but what about the good side?
Humans aren't perfect creatures, we can't expect others to not commit wrong.
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He loved a few, but he killed a few million...
As those who study history for the sake of mankind (which includes us, and all the historians out there), we need to be accountable for the few million people who died, not towards the few whom he loved.
But its true what u say, there are always two sides in history!